Sunday, 6 September 2015

Baghi Pranayam


Bagha means tiger .A tiger makes his stomach clean after eating victim by bringing out the undigested food from the stomach 3-4 hours after taking meals, similarly in this pranayam helps in excreting undigested food.


1. Sit in a comfortable Position or asana .
2.Take a deep breath.
3.Exhale air to the maximum possible level fully contracting the abdomen and lungs so that all the air is expelled out .
4.Hold your breath for few seconds then inhale fresh air.


3-5 times .


1. It is helpful in reducing abdominal fat .
2. Removes several gastro-intestinal complaints such as excessive gas, hyperacidity, indigestion etc.
3. Those who are suffering with constipation, indigestion and loss of appetite they should get good benefits with its regular practice.
4. Can cure all problems relating to intestine.

Things to Remember

1. Strictly no no during pregnancy.
2. If you recently undergone an operation check with your doctor before doing kapalbhati.
3. If you have heart disease, high blood pressure or hernia, exhale slowly. 
4. Do it in empty stomach  after passing bowels.
5. People with hyperthyroidism or chronic diarrhea should avoid this.

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