
There is no magic here, all that can make you fit is a proper diet with exercise
DIET :  

I intend to restrict myself to 1200 calorie diet...
My sample Daily diet :

8:00 Breakfast          2 chapati / 3 brown bread / 3 idli / 3 dosa / upma / poha & Chai
1:30 lunch                 2 chapati ,bhaji & gravy  OR 1 cup rice ,bhaji & gravy

4:30 snacks               Chai with biscuits
8:00 Dinner               Soup or Salad or oats


I really need intense workout to let things happen this time.
I have an elliptical at home you can check its review here.

I divide my workout into morning and evening..


10 Suryanamaskar
Ramdev baba's yoga

10 min Elliptical Workout


10 min : Elliptical Workout
20 min  : Random Workout DVD

1) Yoga

Suryanamaskar also known in English as Sun Salutation (lit. "salute to the sun") is a common sequence of asanas. Its origins lie in India where they worship Surya, the Hindu solar deity. This sequence of movements and asanas can be practised on varying levels of awareness, ranging from that of physical exercise in various styles, to a complete sadhana which incorporates asana, pranayama, mantra and chakra meditation. It is often the beginning vinyasa within a longer yoga series. Sūrya Namaskāra may also refer to other styles of "Salutations to the Sun"..source..wikipedia


I am a huge fan of Ramdev baba's yoga .
I have enjoyed everytime I have followed his videos religiously.
Best thing about Yoga is that it doesn't have any side effects.
Regular yoga practice can help in weight management and aid you in getting rid of excess calories

This yoga package basically comprises of :-

1) Pranayam
2) Warm up
3) Yoga Asanas

here is the video 

TIP : jump directly to 6:15 incase you don't want to listen to the initial speech on obesity.

7 Prananyam + 1 extra for thyroid

 Pranayama is powerful breathing technique that ensures healthy body and calm mind. Regular practice of various types of pranayama improves breathing pattern, purifies blood, boosts resistance power and gives physical strength.

1. Bhastrika Pranayam (2 min)
2. Kapalbhati Pranaym (3-5 min)
3. Agnisaar Kriya (2-3 times)
4. Baghi Pranayam (3 -5 times)
5. Anulom vilom Pranaym (3-5 min)
6. Bhramari Pranayam (3 times)
7. Udhgeet Pranayam (3 times)

8. Ujjai Pranaym (For Thyroid)

7 Warm up

1. Foot Rotation
2. Butterfly
3. Wrist Rotation
4. Folded arm circles
5. Shoulder Circles
6. Overhead Shoulder Stretch
7. Temples relaxing

10 Asanas (3 in Sitting posture , 2 Standing posture & 5 lying position  )

1. Grinding Position
2. Kati Saundary ansana
3. Pashuvishram Asana
4. KoneAsana
5. TriyaktadAsana
6. Ardharasana
7. Padavritasana
8. Dwichakritasna
9. Sarvangasan
10. Halasan

Baba Ramdev - 10 Asanas To Loose Weight 

(for 1-5 asanas)

 (for 6-10 asanas)


 I do Pranayam for 15 min , I give maximum time to kapal bhati .. 

Overall yoga I do for a decent 30 minutes .


I have an elliptical at home i.e. the fuel 4.0 elliptical

I workout on it for 10-15 min in morning and evening..I try to burn atleast 500 calories.


currently these are my two favorite workout videos Ill be doing 30ds for a month and then do bipasha basu's workout  


 The best workout DVD ever according to me !!
I had done it once before i did it for 10 days and lost 7 pounds!!(with strict diet ofcourse!!)


Indian Diva ..Bipasha basu's love yourself is a fun workout...I love the background music its awesome!!