Dear readers...
My first blog ever!!! :) :) :)
lil summary about me, I am from Mumbai, I work as a software developer
totally into the 9 to 5 routine in my case it is 9 to 9.(phew!).
The FAT me
“Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who Is the fattest of Them All?”
I just love food just love it!!! I hate exercising.
My weight has always been towards the heavier side since I am not blaming my genes, it was totally my attraction towards chocolates, cheese, street food and the list goes on.
I stand 5 foot 4 inch tall and weigh 75kg.
The day today is 6th September 2015 and my 25th birthday is on 22nd September.
There were plans in past to lose weight the best way possible, unfortunately my will wasn't strong enough to start on time.
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The mirror never lies , I did see myself becoming a balloon and so I needed desperate help..
Two years ago I tried various ways of losing weight but none really
helped not because they were not effective, its because I was a weak on control.
I have wasted 1 year gym membership my mother had payed a huge amount, it all went waste.
I tried some YO-YO diet , but could stick to none.
There were reasons, vague reasons to be honest,But like they say better late than never, its time to start and continue forever.
The turning point
Its a lazy Sunday night, all that I did today was thinking.
As a person, there have been events in my life where I have topped and turned out to be the best.
Most of my friends think I can do anything, anything I badly wanted to do.
too know that with a strong will I was able to achieve a lot, why am I
weak when it comes to weight loss? I zeroed down that its all in my
mind, if I can I will!!!
All that I need is a kick and a challenge.
So here I am, all set and ready to get fit.
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I might not show my face or body but
my measurements would tell my progress here.
I am up for weekly challenges everyone is invited to join me in!! :) here
Feel free to email me.
Get in touch with me